Winner: Saint Xavier University Outstanding Art & Design Student Award 2019
Winner: Saint Xavier University Outstanding Honors Senior Thesis Award 2019
In my senior thesis at SXU, I created a series of 6 posters protesting the Muslimban, and celebrating Muslim inclusion in American society. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" were created in collaboration with the Muslim community of Chicago's south side, and as the only non-muslim member of the school's Muslim association, I sought to find ways to partner with that vibrant community to communicate a message of protest while avoiding cultural appropriation.
I photographed friends and converted those photos into traditional, hand-pulled screen prints,
and created a 24 page thesis detailing the process, available here.
and created a 24 page thesis detailing the process, available here.
The series is split into two parts, a graphic design version, where text makes clear the message of protest, and a fine art print version where I rely on the images themselves to communicate.
#muslimban Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness - Poster Series
#muslimban Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness - Fine Art Print Series
“Invisible Women” protests the intersectional stories of black women killed during police interactions, which I debuted on SXU’s campus the week that Jason VanDyke (an SXU grad) was found guilty of Laquan McDonald’s murder. I also note here that Jason is a free man now, having served less than half of his sentence. That exhibit features stories, transferred onto wooden plates that are suspended from the ceiling in a forest of sorts, that visitors can walk through. “Invisible Women” features 25 stories, 6 of unarmed black men killed in police interactions, and 19 of women. The names of the men are familiar, covered heavily in the news, the names of the women are not. These are stories rarely covered, and rarely heard, even though they’re just as terrifying. The women’s stories are printed in reverse, obscured by ink, and often suspended at angles that make them difficult to read, and the names of the women are read aloud by my friend Deara Dickerson, a solemn tribute to these lives society has largely ignored.
50 Stars on the Arabian Sea - 24"x24" - $250